(0)🤖660 status
(0)🤖it's very taxing you sir
(0)🤖for you this regard
(0)🤖thank you for all of the markers on that
(0)🤖Apartment 204 Janina Zeki she's 71 year old female is conscious and breathing requesting to go to see Utah
(0)🤖6:44 a possible EVP I got a Boulevard senior apartments for 6 to 4 out of Boulevard
(0)🤖you know 640
(0)🤖showing spending insurance and 85 question new our oceans are returned
(0)🤖for declaring Hobby
(0)🤖showing spend the insurance and 85 question D our oceans are a charm
(0)🤖443 Hobby
(0)🤖the copy place John or Mary 1 through 7 8 JN M want to use the money Jimmy the rubble or cartoon Impala
(0)🤖for free
(0)🤖440 right
(0)🤖Scrappy 3:08
(0)🤖take a 78/56 is wrong if I see any of the hard time breathing brilliant ox
(0)🤖if you go ahead
(0)🤖from Riga
(0)🤖Frazier Ali
(0)🤖car vehicle parked on the wrong side of the road with three malice and just go
(0)🤖suspicious vehicle Lawrence & Kirkpatrick no 85